Monday, February 14, 2011

The Grammy's

Do you recognize anyone in this video? If you could be one of the characters in this video who would you be? Do you like the music and the costumes? Does the music make you want to dance? We would love to read your comments? Do you think this artist is someone that should be honored and celebrate during Black History Month?


  1. I recognize Sello Green in the video.If I was one of the carters in the video I would be the women who was singing with Sello Green.I love his music. This music makes me dance.Sello Green should be honored for Black History month. Do you know that my sister knows Sello Greens son.

  2. My brother loved the video so did I.


  3. I recognize someone dad from TCS! I like this video.


  4. If I got to be someone in the video I would the girl who was on the piano. Sello Green should be honored for black history month. I notice that all the other kids in the class noticed someone but I don`t. I almost recognize Sello Green.

  5. I had a grate time when I went to my friend Davids house for his birthday party.

  6. That video was, as you may call it,colorful.


  7. I really like this video because the dog looks like it has on a diaper on.

  8. If I was someone in this video I would be the girl that sang with him or one of the background puppets. The video was also fun to watch. I loved the colors in the background. chelsea
