Monday, January 10, 2011

The Dikenga Exhibit

Second Grade I really enjoyed our trip to the High on Friday, January 7.  You guys made me really proud to be one of your teachers.  Your behavior was awesome,  you asked great questions, made great comments, and created beautiful mask.  Please enjoy the Aminoto and we look forward to reading your comments!  Thanks so much to our chaperons- Jennifer and Ellen. 


  1. I really enjoyed the field trip. My favorite thing we did was making a mask. Sarah

  2. I really wish I had taken pictures of you and your classmates. I will take more pictures the next time.


  3. I really liked making the African masks and learning about the African cultures. -Ruby

  4. I liked seeing the masks and making the mask too.


  5. I really enjoyed making the african mask and learning where they use those mask.Carley

  6. Carley, I really enjoyed Friday's field trip as well. I learned so much from you guys and our docent. Friday actually was a PERFECT day... Pancake Friday, a field trip, and awesome students. I hope that you and your classmates are enjoying the snow. I miss everyone and I am ready to come back to school. Be a sweet girl and I will see you soon. Please give Riley a big hug for me:-)


  7. Nathan, I really wished I had thought to take pictures of you and your classmates wearing your mask. I hope that you are enjoying the snow. That is a really cool Android! Have fun with your family and I will see you soon.
