Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Storm 2011

Second Grade thanks for sharing your pictures!  I think I included them all in the Animoto. If you have more I can always add them.  Be safe and have a Wonderful Wednesday.


  1. Thank you for putting my pictures on the blog.

  2. Looks like everyone is having fun in the snow! Eva

  3. I know one ,thing everyone must have had fun in the snow. I know Riley and I did. Carley

  4. Carley, It is so good to hear from you... I thought you were snowed under! I am delighted to know that you and Riley enjoyed playing in the snow. Please have your parents to email some pictures so that I can add them to the Animoto. See you tomorrow!

  5. Katie, thanks for sharing your snow family! It was a great addition to the animoto. Hopefully more people will send snow pictures.


  6. Hello, Second Grade! This is Ruby's daddy. I am in Seoul, South Korea this week! I thought I would post here to say hello to Ruby and to all of you. Speaking of a snow storm, it snowed here in Seoul today too. Maybe as much as 6" in places. It has been very cold here all week. I don't think it has been above freezing since I got here last Thursday.

    Seoul is a very modern Asian city. It is very vibrant and busy. The people are very friendly and the food is incredible. I visited a large seafood market today, where you can buy fish and other types of seafood live and then have it immediately prepared in a nearby restaurant. We had flounder, shrimp, and lobster.

    I have also visited the Korean War Memorial (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Memorial_of_Korea) and several beautiful historic palaces (http://eng.cdg.go.kr/main/main.htm).

    Please give Ruby big hugs for me since I miss her very much!

    Have a wonderful day, second graders!

    Ruby's Daddy.

  7. I love all of the kids with there coats on and in the snow

  8. I love the kids in the snow Caroline

  9. The pictures are great I cant believe that this is my class. Hope you all kept warm.


  10. Wow that video is awesome you have got some talented kids this year TB.I hope you have a great time and if you want to find out what we did last year go to september at the bottom of the page.CHJ
