Thursday, March 31, 2011

It is time for Spring Break... Where in the world are you spending your free time?

It is Spring Break time.  Find your location on the map, drag yourself to the location, and share with us where you are and what you are doing.  Please remember to use only your first name and last initial, make sure an adult is aware that you are blogging!  We can't wait to read about your Spring Break Adventures!

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  1. Hi second grade, I haven`t blogged latly so Im doing it now.I`m going to stone mountin park on monday and most likely going to hike up the mountin.Most of spring break I`ll be home and relaxing and enjoying the weather.I hope you enjoy the rest of spring break.CHJ

  2. We are in Singer island. The waves down here are humongous .We flew a dragon kite. The next day it kept going right and crashing into the sand. alex

  3. During my Spring Break, I went to visit my grandparents in Augusta. They had a terrible storm which caused a tree to hit their house. I am so happy that my family wasn't hurt. Here's a picture of me standing by the huge tree.


  4. Nathan, I happy to hear that your family is alright. I know that must have been really scary. Please ask your mom to resend the picture and I will post it to the blog.

  5. I had so much fun on spring break. I went to Grand Cayman. We went so many places. We went to the Turtle Farm the first day and had so much fun. My favorite part of the Turtle Farm was the touch tanks that is where you can touch and pick up turtles. My second favorite place was the snorkeling with turtles but you can`t touch them!

    The next day, we just hang out on the beach and walked to lunch. We also went on these rock climbing things in the ocean that same day and if you fall climbing in the water you fall in the salty cold water. Burrrrr!!!!
    After that day and the next day we went to Sting Ray City it takes place on a sandbar so you can touch the bottom. The stingrays roam on there own , it was cool. Once the stingrays got behind me and almost made me step on him. At first I was scared, but I got used to them. They were very friendly so I did not have to worry. Next we took the boat to snorkel on the reef. We could not touch the reef though. I am not the best snorkeler so it was hard.

    The next day we went horseback riding on the beach. It was fun. My horse was named Eclipse. It had a brown front and a white with brown with dots back.

    The last day we got to go to the pool for an hour. Then we had to pack to go home.

    So that was my vacation.

    Ashley A.

  6. I spent my Spring Break at Blue Mountain Beach in Florida. I had a terrific time. I went to the movies to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I went to the beach and met some new friends from Atlanta and Douglasville. We flew kites, played tag, played catch, played tennis, and built sandcastles. Lorielle

  7. Ashley and Lorielle thanks so much for sharing your comments. We will read them tomorrow in morning meeting! Great blog entries!!

  8. On my spring break, I went to Texas with my dad.On the first day , we went to this very big space center and NASA. It took more than 3 hours to see the entire space center!!! On the third day we went to Sea World and I saw Shamu!I also fed a sea lion and saw a sea lion show!!! hermi

  9. I had a great Spring Break.Me and my dad were going to a video about pretty girls and there hair.We had to wear white first and then we had to wear yellow [that was on Sunday].On Saturday I saw somebody from TCS who does not go to TCS anymore...Jackson. Oji

  10. On my spring break I went to Disney World. We went on lot of fun rides. My favorite rides were Thunder Mountain Railroad roller coaster and the Tower of Terror. We saw a lot of characters and I got their autographs and pictures with them. We also went swimming and ate a lot of fun food. It was my birthday while we were in Florida, and I had a great birthday. We had a lot of fun. -Ruby H.

  11. I had lots of fun. I went to the Tellus musam. Then I went to the zoo. RylanR
