Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

We had so much fun at the Pumpkin Festival at Stone Mountain! Check us out.


  1. I loved when we went to the pumpkin patch. I loved the sky hike. It was a lot of fun. I hope we go again. Madison N.

  2. I loved the pumpkin patch. I had so much fun it was great! I wish it did't rain then it would be very fun! Ariel G.

  3. I liked the pumkin patch I wish the rain would't have stoped it then we could have stad longer. Ariel G.

  4. I liked stone moutin it was almost better then the zoo!Have a great year Tammy & Jenne!

  5. I liked going to Stone Mountain. I thought it was fun. I liked Ski High. It was fun, but it was really scary too. I also liked when the man
    told a story. I liked hearing it. I also liked
    getting the mini pumpkin.

    Sarah S.

  6. I love it so much! It was so fun.AG
