Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break 2010

The first full week in April is Spring Break for many students. Please share with us how you are enjoying your time away from school. If you have some great pictures please share them also. Be safe, have fun, and drink lots of water! You can email your pictures to


  1. This spring break I went to Tennessee. I got a new scooter for my birthday & a Barbie astronaut in Tennessee. I also got new earrings & a second Webkin in Tennessee,too. Now I am driving home!


  2. Dear class,

    I am in W.D.C. I love it here. We saw the Washington Monument. We got to ride on the second-biggest escalator in the world. The biggest is in Moscow. We got to take a tour of George Washington's house, Mount Vernon. We learned that his house is a mansion and it used to be a small farmhouse. We also saw some of the Smithsonians. I recommend that you travel here. We went to the Natural History Museum, Air & Space Museum and Amercian History Museum. I liked the American History Museum the most. We got to see some of the first ladies' dresses. They were so beautiful. The only bad part was that I got food poisining. We toured the White House on the internet. Love, AEE.

  3. The first week of April I've started my trip in Philadelphia. I saw the LIberty Bell yesterday and I went on a tour and saw the first Congress. I learned a lot of stuff, like when you are in court they used to put the person who they thought was guilty in a prisoner box. Today, we are taking a train to New York and I might take a boat to the Statue of Liberty. I know I am going to go to Central Park and I am going to climb the statue of Alice in Wonderland.


  4. I was at my Aunt's new house. My aunt's new house is in South Carolina. We did not get on an airplane. We didn't go on a train. We drove. Now I am at my granddad's new house. He lives in North Carolina. My aunt and my granddad use to live in Washington DC. My granddad still has his house in Washington DC so he can go back and forth and back and forth. What my sister likes about the house in North Carolina is the bed that looks like hers. We are about to go outside to do a relay race. Madison N.

  5. I went to Stone Mountain Park today and on Monday. On Monday we took the skyride to the top of the mountain and I stood on top of the mountain. Our friend MK went with us. I caught my hand-tossed roll at Miss Katie's and we saw Journey to the Center of the Earth in 4D. On Wednesday we took a train ride and did the sky hike challenge course and katy beat me to the end.And we listed to the story Lazy Jack.CHJ

  6. Right now I am about to go see my grandfather's oldest sister. She is 95 years old. She looks pretty and young. She lives by herself and that is what she likes.

    This morning we ate breakfast outside on the patio. We had toast, sausage, eggs and grits which I didn't eat. Madison N.

  7. Hey, I'm back from Tampa Bay, Flordia. It was fun at my cousins wedding.I was the flower girl. AG.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello Second Grade!
    Is sounds like you are all having a great time and really enjoying your Spring Break! Please write more and send some pictures! We really miss seeing your smiling faces and can't wait to hear all about your adventures! We look forward to seeing all of you Monday, April 12! Remember to drink lots of water and wear your sunscreen.
    Tammy B.

  10. Spring was cool but I miss you and Jennie you two where the best. Ariel G.
