Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day, Dream Job, and Tools...

Today in class we discussed why we would be out of school on Monday, September 6. The students were then asked to write about their "ideal" job when they grow up. Many of the students wrote about becoming entertainers. At the request of one of the students we watched a video performance of the Four Tops. This was exciting and enjoyed by all of the students. In math we discussed what "tools" are needed for specific jobs/careers. Please enjoy the video and blog with your child about the tools used to do your job! Have a safe Labor Day Weekend!


  1. i would need a map to be an adventurer. i would need a campsite with food, tennis shoes, pillow, sleeping bag, thermarest, water, machete,pocket knife, camera, binoculars, blanket, watch, compass, toothbrush, hat, coat and boots in case its snowing, walking stick, backpack, notebook to take notes.
    luca d

  2. I want to be a poepoe (policeman) because I want to help people.I would need a gun,a fast car,handcuffs,a badge and a sweet suit.


  3. I want to be bird scientist and discover the birds that live in the Hawaiian Rain forest. I need a camera to take pictures, books to read about them, a pen and note pad to write my findings, rain jacket, a boot to walk in the forest, a hat, a back pack to keep my tools in,a computer to look up facts about it, a map to locate the places I will go to.


  4. I would need a costume to be a movie star. I would also need a movie camera, a microphone,makeup, a script and a recorder. Sarah a

  5. In order to be a landscaper, I would need a chainsaw, machete, rake, a blower, a mower, and most important, hand-snips.

    Cash T

  6. I would need to go to Doctor school to be a doctor. i would need to learn how to use the tool that taps your knee and the blood pressure tool.To be a doctor I would need a thermometer to look inside ears and check temperature. Maybe I could learn to take x-rays to look inside a body and see bones.

    Caroline C

  7. Conner M

    I would have a magnifying glass a little brush a tent a hat some boots a map and an assistant. Would you like to help me?I am a archaelogist.

  8. I want to be a singer when I grow up. The tools I would need are a good voice, a microphone, somewhere to practice, and some pretty outfits. -Ruby H.

  9. I want to be a teacher and a nail artist. I will need nail trimmers, nail polish and nail brushes to be a nail artist. To be a teacher I will need a pencil, a desk, paper, some kids to teach, and an assitant.

    Lorielle G

  10. When I grow up I want to become a veterinarian. Some of the tools I would need are: shots, stitches, bandages, and lots of sick animals.
    Avery B.

  11. I really enjoyed the Four Tops dance moves!

    The tools my dad uses for his job are hospital scrubs, surgical mask, gloves and laughing gas. This gas makes a patient go to sleep during surgery. But it does tickle a little.


  12. I want to be a doctor or a veterinarian. If I was a doctor, I will need a petalla hammer to check your reflexes, a stethoscope to listens to your inside sounds, a otoscope to look in your ears, and ophthalmoscope to check your eyes. Also I would need a thermometer and the thing to take your pressure and a scale for your weight. If I was a veterinarian i would need some of the same tools but not all. Carley
