Friday, October 8, 2010

Rainforest Images

Dear Second Grade, I stumbled across these awesome images of the rain forest. Please watch the video and see if you can identify the living organisms, classify the organisms, and tell someone at home the layer of the rain forest the organism lives. I will give you a few hints- the four layers are the forest floor, the understory, the canopy, and the emergent. Some classification of the organisms are mammals, insects, amphibians, and reptiles. Have fun. We look forward to reading your responses in Tuesday's morning meeting!


  1. I saw howler monkeys, which are mammals and live in the emergent layer. I also saw a rhinoceros, which is a mammal that lives on the forest floor. The dart frogs are amphibians that live in the canopy and understory layer. I also saw an anteater, which is a mammal and lives on the forest floor. -Ruby

  2. I like this video a lot! I showed my mom the layers of the rain forest. That is a cool picture of the gorilla. I like how the snake was camouflaged in the leaves.

    Nathan J.

  3. The rainforest images were VERY colerfull!I liked the butterfly the most!!Hermi

  4. The plants that I saw were really pretty and I never once in my life have I saw an orange tarantula. Lucy!

  5. I saw an ant eater in the video. It is a mammal that lives in the under story.Eva

  6. I saw a red eyed tree frog.I like those.I like that rainforest amphibian the most.Eva
