Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Where In the World Are You?

We hope that you are safe and having fun where ever you are in the world. We would love to hear about your travels and adventures. Please tell us where in the world you are traveling. Please share with us what you are doing, and include a few photos! Thank you for visiting our blog. Please remember to follow blogging etiquette.


  1. Hi Second Grade, this is a comment from Iliana's Greggy. I'm working this week in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It's about 800 miles north of Atlanta on the eastern side of Lake Michigan, one of our great lakes. It's colder up here than it is in Atlanta. I wore a sweater today and was still pretty cold. People from this area say their vowel sounds a little differently from the way people from the southeast do, but they're just as nice. Sometimes, they're even nicer. I'm finishing up here on Friday and flying home Saturday morning. I'll email a few small pictures to Tammy. They're just iPhone pictures. I have my cameras packed away at the location where we are shooting and didn't bring them out with me tonight.

  2. This is Iliana's Greggy again. I forgot to mention that the airport code for the airport here in Grand Rapids is GRR!

  3. I am in Texas the plane ride was two ours.S.E.E

  4. I am having fun. I am bicycling in the north georgia mountains. It is kind of hard because there are such big hills, but I made it. Tomorrow, I am going pumpkin picking with my mom. We are going to try to pick apples. I am also enjoying the gourmet food at Barnsely Gardens.
    Sarah S/Lillian s.

  5. Sarah S, I am happy to hear that you are having a good time. Thumbs up on the bicycle riding, strong legs and perseverance will see you through. I hope that you get to pick lots of apples and pumpkins. Pumpkin seeds are a great fruit break! See you Tuesday.

  6. S.E.E. what in the world did you do on the plane for two hours? I can't wait to hear all about it. Have fun. We will see you Tuesday.

  7. I am having a great time in Florida. I wish you were here to go and swim and play. EAS

  8. Hi I am Melissa's Uncle Burak. I live in Istanbul/ Turkey. Istanbul is where Europe meets Asia,you can see it on your map.Istanbul is the biggest city in Turkey and the population of metro area is 23 millions. I would like to hear from you if you have any question about my city..

  9. While I was out of school, I went to Leaping Lizards and Monkey Joe's. On Saturday we had pizza. On sunday we had Movie night with Mommy. We watched Mary Poppins and ate popcorn.


  10. at home in Smerna Gorgia on the couch almost seelp.A.A.C.M.M.G

  11. To Melissa's Uncle Burak. Thank you so much for visiting our class blog. We were pleasantly surprised to view your comment. We would like to know the capital city of Turkey. Would you please describe the day of a second grader in Turkey. What are the popular sports? What is the time difference there? What are some of the popular things to do in Turkey?

  12. Here is Melissa's Uncle Burak again. I am glad to hear from you. Here are the answers of your questions:
    The capital city of Turkey is Ankara.
    A typical day for a second grader in Turkey is probably the same as a second grader's in U.S.. Schools start as early as 8.30 AM, they do a lot of math and spelling, and late afternoon after school they play and do their homework.
    The most popular sport is soccer and basketball.
    We are 7 hours ahead of Atlanta. That means when it is morning in Atlanta, it is already afternoon in Istanbul.
    The popular thing to do of course watching soccer games at the weekends.

  13. At home with my mom and T we are watching GPB
    I love it. Haspanic Night at the White House.

  14. I am blogging with Ariel on a cold and wet Saturday.

    Ariel's Dad

  15. at home on my moms lap-top.

  16. My Grandparents live in Michigan.They spoil me.But I love them.I call them Grand Mom and Papi.A.P.D.

  17. SEE's Daddy is posting from Paris on his way to India. I hope you guys have a great day today!!!

  18. See's Daddy is posting from Paris. Have a great day guys!!!

  19. We are in our classroom discussing our class blog. We are really looking forward to our field trip to the Pumpkin Festival. Friday our class will spend the day at Stone Mountain. Hopefully we will take lots of pictures and create a slideshow or a video. We hope to have lots of fun! T and J's Class

  20. At my house watching my hampster.

  21. Hi Class, it's Aldric!!
    I went to Gainesville, Florida this weekend and saw my sister Alexis who attends the college there at the University of Florida. The campus is huge and looks like a lot of fun. I am going to go there too. It took us about 4 1/2 hours to get there by car. The weather was sunny and we saw "Where the Wild Things Are". It was funny and emotional.

  22. with my mom she is combing my hair.

  23. Good Morning Daddy(Sarah E's Dad
    Thank you for checking out the blog. I can't wait until you come back. I love you!

  24. 3 hours and 44 minutes ago I was at my soccer game now I'm sleepy. Ariel G.

  25. Today I climed Kennesaw Mountain it was very fun! It is near my house so I can go any time!
    When we were at the bottem we got some fresh moutain water and we got it are self! Afterwards we got steak and rids and now I'm at home. Ariel G.

  26. I'm with my dad and hampster. She is very fat but I love her. She might be lazy but she eats too much. She won't come and see me unless I give her a treat. This is what hammy does: sleep, eat, drink, potty, looks at you and then goes back to sleep. She licks me.
    Ariel G.

  27. eating breakfast.

  28. I am blogging with Ariel on Second Grade Speaks today. She has a little cold, so she's not in school today. I hope she will feel better after getting some rest.

    Ariel's Dad

  29. I'm at my mom's work.I am with Megan and Deana.A.D.

  30. I'm with my cousin Kyra we are at her house in her room. We are having so much fun. Later we are gonna go to her basement and then eat dinner. ArielG and KyraF.
