Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where In the World Are You?

We hope that you are safe and having fun where ever you are in the world. We would love to hear about your travels and adventures. Please tell us where in the world you are traveling. Please share with us what you are doing, and include a few photos! Thank you for visiting our blog. Please remember to follow blogging etiquette. If you have photos to share please email them to


  1. Hello Everyone,
    I am Aldric's sister Alexis. One of the few older sisters that he has. I am currently visiting Africa over my holiday break. Right now I am in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am having alot of fun visiting and touring differnt parts of the city. It is summer time here,different form Atlanta, and the weather is beautiful. It is weird to be the season of summer during christmas. Soon I will be leaivng Johannesburg to go to Botswanna to see live game, which is an abundent amount of live wild animals. FOr example I will see lions, elephants, hippo's, and many more animals. I end my trip in Dubai and then come home. I will send pictures so that you all may see and be able to be just as amazed as I will be. Enjouy your holiday!

  2. I am at my house with my sister and my sister is coming to school with me.

  3. Now my aunt Donna and uncle Todd and there dogs are here!AG

  4. I'm at home. Playing with my Smart Lab book.AG

  5. Hi, guys!It's me, Ellie.Two day's ago I was in Flordia!I was at my Anunt and Unculs's house.They have two cats, and a paret and they have a pool and a hottub!I had a blast! .Happy Hoilodays!E.H.P.

  6. I am in Colorado I am going skiing. I like playing in the snow. We had a snow fight we are leaving tomorrow. EAS

  7. Hi, Eve,Sage,Madison,Gabriella,Tammy,Jennie,class mates, and the hole wide world.AG,NM,SM.

  8. I got on a boat called celebrity century. We went to Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. There was a big pool on the boat and we went to the beach. I wish you could have been there. Now I am at a hotel in Miami but about to go to the airport to go home.

    On the second day of the cruise we had a wedding . Gabriela and I were the flower girls. My brother chandler was the ring barrier. I wish you were there to see the wedding. Mommy sang "from this moment".
    Madison N.

  9. I'm at home. Good night class,Tammy & Jennie.AG

  10. Dear Tammy, I just watched the video. I am in my dad's office. Over winter break I went to North Georgia. The mountain (Fort Mountain) was beautiful. I just practiced piano.

    p.s. The videos were great!

    Love, AEE

  11. I's snowing at my house I'm in my house geting dressed to go out side.AG

  12. I am in Istanbul,Turkey with my uncle and my dad. The temperature here is 11 degre celcius. Melissa T.

  13. I'm at home. I'm just about to go on the wiki to check out the Daily Grammer Practise videos. by the way Tammy I like the videos.They were a good idea.Mmmmmm I smell my home-made french-fries.I love home-made french-fries.I've finished my homework for the night.I just finished my dinner.AG .....(yhan)good night guys.

  14. Hello classmates!
    I am in Vail right now, in my mom's condo. When we were skiing it was 18 degrees Fahrenheit, which is -8 celsius, but I still wasn't that cold because I wore a helmet with goggles on it, and a neck-up that covered a lot of my face. I'm having a great time and I'm hitting the slopes really hard! For our last night, we are having my favorite soup which is Ramen noodles. It's very relaxing because the soup is warm and it is cold out in the snow. Yesterday, I got snow in my back and in my shirt, so Ramen noodles are very relaxing after a day like that. You'd think that Ramen Noodles and french fries are not healthy, but you are supposed to eat carbohydrates at high altitudes.

    Sarah S.

  15. Last week we went to Orlando Florida for my Mom's medical conference. We got to go to Disney World. There was a place called the haunted mansion but we didn't get to go on it. It was really cold while we were there. We were thinking about going to the pool but it was too cold. The day we left it was warm. It was 75 degrees. We went on the ride called Peter Pan's Flight, It's a Small World and spinning teacups. We had a great time.
    Madison N

  16. Hi, I'm at home with my mother,aunt & dogs. I'm haveing so much fun on the sofa with my dog Samantha. She Keeps chewing on her feet. I'm watching Amarican Idol.And Simon is so mean. Did you know that his last name is Cowle. Now the top 20 are singing the Black Eyed Peas "I gota felling". I'm haveing are so much fun. Today their picking the few people that are going home.
    Ariel G.

  17. I went camping with some of the Brownies. We roasted marshmellows by the the fire and made smores. We roasted hotdogs also. We went hiking and roamed through the woods and we found the path back to the cabin. We crossed a stream and there was a hugh rock. It was real big. We found a bunch of snake holes and we sang songs by the fire. We learned a lot of things while we were camping. We learned how to make a fire, we learned first aid, and we learned how to make a trail. It was a lot of fun.

  18. i am in orlando flordia. i am watching the braves spring traning. i caught a baseball from ryan howards coach.ryan howard is a baseball player who plays for the phillies he hit a homerun.

  19. I am in my dad`s office useing his computer!When I leave I will get sun chips and I will read my library book.And When I get home I will eat ice cream!And I had icecream for breackfeast today.CHJ

  20. I'm at home with my pet hampster Hammy & my dad. AG

  21. Hi 2nd grade! this is Grace's dad, Blair. This week, I've been in San Francisco, at the Game Developer Conference. It's a big meeting of all the companies and people who make video games, and I'm having a great time learning about new kinds of games, meeting other people who build games or teach about games. The meeting is right in the middle of San Francisco, which is exciting. San Francisco is a wonderful city, and is crowded and bustling with activity.

  22. I'm at home. Hammy's sleep & so is my father.
    I'm on the blog. NOW my FATHERS awake. And watching golf.AG

  23. I am at home and I just took a bath. Mom is in the kitchen and Mom is making dinner. Aria is going upstairs to take a bath. I am going to read Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. We played outside and I had a pianu lesson.


  24. I am in New Orleans I am having a great time. My grand parents are in the kitchen with my mom and my dad eating crawfish. I rode my bike today.JW

  25. Hey Tammy and Jenni's class! My name's Ariel. I was in Tammy and Jenni's class last year. Now I'm a 3rd grader. I promis you guy's will have a lot of fun! One day you guys might have Salad Friday's Jenni's great at math and science. Tammy's great reading and social studies. I loved Tammy and Jenni and so will you. AG

  26. Dear second grade,I hope you think this class is fun because when I was in second grade I did lots of fun things!You should look foward to very fun field trips and games.Right now I am geting ready for a school,I think all of you are going to have a great year in second grade and I hope you do well on all of your school work/homework.From tammy`s old friend CHJ

  27. CHJ Thanks so much for writing to our class. Your comments were so positive. Jenni and I are delighted to know that you enjoyed your second grade year and that you are encouraging others to do the same. You are truly special. I hope that you have an awesome year this year. I can't wait to hear about your overnight camping trip.
    One of your biggest fans,
    Teacher Tammy

  28. Tammy and jenni I miss second grade so much I wish I could come back.By the way third grade is really fun last friday we had a game day everybody had lots of fun and played games.I hope your class enjoys second grade as much as I did.Melissa
