1. Do not include your entire last name or any personal information. Please use your last initial. Parents, a great way to identify yourself is by using your child’s name; for example: “Jacob’s mom.” Never give out your address or phone number in your posts or comments.
2. Check your post for spelling errors, grammar errors, etc. Once you submit your comment or post, it cannot be changed.
3. Use appropriate language. Remember that everything you put on the web can be seen by lots of people. Be sure that you are proud of everything you write. Do not write anything that could hurt someone’s feelings or embarrass you later.
4. Show you're thinking, and encourage others to refine their thinking. Instead of writing, “Your post was so cool, dude,” try to express yourself more clearly. If you think a post was cool, try to tell why it was so amazing. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
5. Remember that all comments have to be approved before they are posted to the blog. If your comment or post does not appear right away, please do not send it again. Tammy will review all comments and posts before posting them, so remember to make wise choices. Let’s be amazing digital citizens.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
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This summer I went to Michigan. The lake was pretty. At Michigan I went swimming at the pool.I stayed in my grandparents house.